Saturday, March 05, 2005

Adventure of a Lifetime

”Would you like to join holy week trip to Cape Egano, further north from Aparri. Beach, island hopping, camp. Total expense approx P2T. ETD Wed night. ETA Manila Sunday night”

This is the message A sent me this morning, as I struggle to catch my breath while doing some chores. For a minute there, I thought I wasn’t sick at all.

My body finally succumbed to cold and fever by the end of the week. I still feel that my immune system hasn’t fully recuperated since January. Maybe it’s stress, too many late nights and the fact that some people at work are not feeling well too.

But going back to the message, I really got excited. I haven’t been outdoors for years. And by that I mean backpacking, going camping. It’s of course different than staying in a hotel or lodge where you have tours arranged. Though I find that quite limiting.

It was only last Tuesday when I found out that I’ve been spending the entire Module 2 class in AFM with some sporty and adventurous folks. A’s a member of the Ayala Moutaineering Club, and has been going out on adventure trips with pretty much the same crowd as my other classmate who is so into sports. Both are female by the way. It interests me how they seem to be into all sorts of adventure sports—mountaineering, scuba diving, backpacking, etc., stuff that I’ve always wanted to get myself into given the opportunity. I rarely meet people like them.

Well, je suppose c’est un l’opportune. It’s been a while and I’m not quite sure if I can still handle it. Am I still up for this? I’m to confirm by Tuesday so I’ve to pull myself together and make sure that I’m healthy enough for the trip.


At 4:49 PM , Blogger xieurx said...

hi karen! so, will you go this holy week? :) if you're going, share naman ng mga pix...have fun! (sym)

At 3:16 PM , Blogger kquill said...

i did. i guess i couldn't pass up the opprotunity. check out some photos (Palaui 1-4)here:


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