Sunday, February 20, 2005

Simplicity is Beauty

This is a writing exercise from my literary days. Though seemingly redundant, the message is worth pondering upon.

Simplicity is beauty. An over-decorated house is not beautiful. It is done in bad taste. Too much make-up is vulgar. A lady must wear just enough make-up. A simple lady can have charm. A lady with a heavy make-up will rebel. She does not have charm. A simple rural life is beautiful. Anything simple is usually beautiful.

Happy Days

Yesterday at Greenbelt, I was happy.

Amidst the snob and glitter of the place, the overpriced drinks and the fully clad people, I found my old self again. I was with some college friends. We reminisced on the days that once passed and the people that we spent it with. We talked about relationships and change. We shared views on travel, climbing and exercise. We even played a bit.

It’s quite a breather. I enjoyed their company and I too am glad that the friendship still exists.