Friday, July 27, 2007

Corporate Mumbo Jumbo

After having replied quite lengthily on the most feasible way to manage writer A's transition, R simply said..prioritize his client. Talk about saving one's ass! What about ours?! Our client provides a much higher revenue compared to his pennies and dimes, and ours is so much easier to work with by the way. So I gave out another heavy sigh. I felt helpless coz I knew that J can't do anything about it. Upon approaching J and telling him what R just said, he simply suggested that writer A should just file for a leave of absence for our design week so we can still use writer A on the said schedule. A vey nice scheme indeed! T pointed out that if the bureaucracy can't work for us, then there's no stopping us from conniving amongst ourselves to make both ends meet. The higher ups doesn't have to know. And so they won't!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Leaning Into the Afternoon

Leaning into the afternoon I cast my shadow into your oceanic eyes... and that's how Neruda would've said it. Time's been playing a dirty trick. There seems to be never enough time for me to finish everything but now, it seems like forever for the clock to strike two. So this is how it's like to be on the other end. Where do you find the patience? I feel so foolish. They say that a happy person is one who spends the most time for those that he loves. I can't seem to get that one right. A week outdoors would probably do the trick. I'm mentally beat and still feeling dizzy.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Watch the head!

Two weeks ago I had a throbbing headache during the ocular visits that we had for our next workshop. It’s been occurring recently these headaches which seem to trigger from the sudden change of temperature. Plus the fact that I’ve been on the road most of the time. Lately I’ve been feeling a prolonged sense of imbalance. I notice this when I step on the escalator, or when I try to stare away from the computer, or even just when I’m falling in line at the cafeteria. Maybe it’s my eyes. Maybe I need to have another check with the opthalmologist. I doubt if it’s caused by lack of sleep. I have been getting enough compared with my crunch time way back late June.

Watch the helmet! (Baka mauntog!). Such a funny comment that I got from a friend and one can’t help but wonder, so what if I get struck. I’m still happy about it anyway. I’d probably laugh it off.

Honeymoon period. We get to define the duration of this period right? It can go on for months, or even years I presume. Oh happy days!

We get to discover little things about each other everyday. I wonder if we’ll ever run out of these… yet, given our crazy antics.. I sure hope we don’t run out of surprises at least. Oh my! (Good ones ha!)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Musings On My Addiction

I can't help but find myself in a complex knot amidst the goings-on of everyday life. Why I can't just take the easy way through remains but a mystery to me. At this point, I can actually anticipate how things are gonna be given the daily choices that I make. I can segment things. In fact, i'm good at it. And given that there's still so much that I want to do, I somehow end up doing at least 3 things all at the same time.

I can still remember how I got so bored when there was no work at all for me in the office. I've watched several episodes of several anime series on my PC. I frequented trainings and pretty much cleared and organized our processes and files back then. Then I took language lessons, and eventually, got into outdoor stuff. Should I decide to give up my day job, I think my system will always look for something to work on just to keep me busy. There's always volunteer work or project-based work, and of course there's the house that always needs to be kept. I think it's an addiction. I can't stand being idle and I can't understand how a lot of people are comfortable in being idle for a long time! (a month is long enough for me.)

I enjoy long vacations only when it means that it's some time-off from work. What if i'm not working? What's a vacation then?

Back in grad school when I had a lot of time on my hands (in-between my thesis months), I ended up travelling a lot for family errands. I still recall waking up in 3 different rooms within one week, wondering which family house I was at. I felt out of place with the rest of the world as I was neither in business, nor enrolled in the academe.

Somehow, come to think of it, there were but a few minutes when I actually enjoyed the stillness of my life. It was then when I learned how to appreciate the "slowness" of change. It was but apt for me to notice that since my folks where just starting out their farming projects then. Hats off to farmers who understand the nature of life, growth and change.

Or maybe it's the corporate world. I remember I had to adjust again when I came back to work. I left Jewelmer coz I got burned out. It's coming to a full cycle again right now with HS. It seems like my threshold level increased a lot when it comes to my tolerance for stress. Or maybe it's coz of age. I'm just glad that it doesn't show much on my face. Me, 27? Hehe!

Oh well! Nope, i refuse to call this (work) an addiction. I guess i'm just learning the art of living and being worry-free. One thing's for sure though, if you're happy, it shows!