Saturday, March 31, 2012

Half-hearted Satisfaction, 100% Guilt

Yesterday I sat in a roomful of managers for our bi-annual TL Camp. I felt comfortable and confident. They listened to the things that I had to say. I felt a sense of connection to the overall direction of our department.

1 hour earlier that the scheduled TL Camp, 8am.. more like 8:10, I rushed to room 909 to join my peers in our weekly conference call with our US partner. I listened patiently, gave some guiding suggestions until I had 5 minutes left. I then left my message to Ed who then closed the loop to a seemingly endless issue brought upon our team. I felt relieved.

Moving back time, a couple of hours earlier that morning, I was a Mom and wife. I was coping with my family's needs. I didn't feel confident. I probably did another mistake of not timing my sleep with my chores and with the baby's feeding. I don't know when exactly I'll get the hang of this.